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Thangkas from the Himalayas! 

Looking at Mandalas is like being lead through other realms to the center of the Buddha essence. Mandalas represent the universe and Buddha's teachings through symbolism.


Mandalas are Buddhist works of sacred art in geometric patterns, showing a palace with four gates, the center depicting Bhuddhist deities. 


Mandalas are beautiful artworks that take weeks to finish. Although monks do not paint them in my collection, they still represent the deep connectedness to Buddhism and traditional paintings.


Usually the Master painter will present his painters with a draft, once finished and using only the finest materials available, these pristine hand-made Thangkas will leave you in awe. 


Every Mandala deserves a sacred corner in the house or a peaceful place to be admitted. 



Exclusive Distributor in Singapore! Viewing by appointment ONLY. 

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